By madamefuxalittle - 08/07/2014 20:52 - United States - Stratford

Today, an elderly lady sat next to me on a bench, and started telling me out of the blue about how bad it is to have saggy boobs. I was uncomfortable enough at the unwanted info, without her then looking at my chest and adding, "But I expect you already know that, dear." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 815
You deserved it 4 600

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unlucky OP! Now repeat after me; "I must, I must, I must improve my bust"


I would scream AT LEAST IM NOT GONNA DIE SOON then runaway crying

And then she gets hit by a bus while she's running away.

It's not like we can do anything to stop the sagging. Especially if you have larger breasts, and/or have lost weight... It's one of few body parts you can do NOTHING to change naturally. Exercising won't help since they don't contain muscles, losing weight often makes them saggier, and putting on weight mean you'll get crap for not being skinny (and it just makes them bigger, not perkier).

That made all the ladies feel a bit more confident.

A push up bra will become a good friend of yours if you want them a bit more perky.

cryssycakesx3 22

lol sadly that only fixes it temporarily. once she takes it off they'll be back resting on her knees.

Resting on her knees... shit that's funny

People think that just because they're old, that they can say anything they want.

tehdarkness 21

Old people think they can get aww with saying anything! Whatta beeatch!

But, but, but that can't be! I don't wanna get old!!

Don't worry about her, she'll be dead soon.