By cheezmaster - 16/12/2009 23:55 - United States

Today, after many, many attempts to get her out of my life, the girl that is stalking me told me that she loves me and our love can only be ended by her killing either herself or me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 825
You deserved it 2 566

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Run...Police NEVER help in cases like these. Just ******* RUN!


Cops time. She needs help. Major help lol

KalCountry76 12

Call the police, change your name, move away, get plastic surgery to change your appearance.

SinfulEnd 20

Might be time to invest in a handgun...

I say we call her bluff, she does not have the nerve.

Run. Change your name, appearance, and move to another continent.

sbarua219 17

Wow I think that's enough FML for today

conholio33 28

Time to call the cops Also time for her to seek help

I suggest taking a carriage to FAR FAR AWAY... (If you get the joke- than pat yourself on the back.. If not- than go **** yourself.. Yes literally...)

try a relationship and tell her to keep a hold of herself lol. jk that'll never work just ******* high tail it outa there