By Anonymous - 06/05/2017 21:00 - France

Today, after a long series of tests, I found out that I’m sterile. My wife is currently pregnant with our second child. I think I have some questions for her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 554
You deserved it 492

Top comments

Just to clarify, did you find out you are NOW sterile, or that you have always BEEN sterile? Could be that your kids are yours and this is recent... or not.

norisorroz 28

We definitely need some follow-up on this one.


GoogieWithers 22

why would you go through a series of fertility tests if you already have a child and you don't seem to had been planning for the second?

Lobby_Bee 17

Your wife is a noob. Everyone knows you don't ever keep any evidence that can implicate you to cheating.

melana09 19

I would have the kids texted to see if they are yours first before jumping the gun. If they are not yours well I'm sorry to hear that.

onceuponatime456 16

Get tested again BEFORE you say anything!

Sorry, OP. Hope you're able to get some favourable clarity.

Doctors are wrong all the time. Don't be quick to point the finger.

I'd get a paternity test without your wife's knowledge before you acuse her of anything. But even if your suspicions prove correct, be kind to the kid, who only knows themselves as your kid.

please follow up on this and give us details!

I guess this is the part where ignorance is bliss (but wouldn't be right)