By Noname - 03/02/2009 19:57 - United States

Today, after a late night at a bar, I stepped into my building's elevator with a Chinese man who was carrying a plastic bag. Without thinking, I said, "Oooh, are you still delivering?" His response was, "I live here." FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 914
You deserved it 55 310

Same thing different taste

Top comments

im Chinese. i used to work in a Chinese restaurant. i loved this fml. if i were that Asian man in the elevator, i would have been highly amused. laugh a little, people. the world needs it.


Get off your high horse, T. You come off as more ignorant and painfully self-righteous than anyone on here. There is a very big difference between racism and stereotyping. They derive from the same thing but they range in severity, and it is certainly not racist to unconsciously and mistakenly assume that an Asian man holding a plastic bag is a delivery man for an Asian restaurant. Where I live, the only Chinese restaurant that delivers only has one Chinese deliveryman. You don't know her situation. Don't waste your time assuming things about other people. You have your own problems to worry about.

should have asked where he parked his rickshaw ya racist and carlos mencia is a terrible comedian.

im Chinese. i used to work in a Chinese restaurant. i loved this fml. if i were that Asian man in the elevator, i would have been highly amused. laugh a little, people. the world needs it.

lolPayal17 0

You guys are acting too modest. You know you have done/thought something like this before!

Um, I don't know about you, but my mommah taught me to think before I speak. I wouldn't even ask a guy in a take-out uniform if where he worked was still delivering. I mean, what's he going to say?

Lmao! Chikiti china n the Chinese chicken ! "U be here fow two hour u go home now"

i'm azn if it were me that u said that to i'd probably wouldn't be offended, i might just act that way though, to make u feel like a douche :D