By doctorsandnurses - 13/01/2012 10:47 - United Kingdom

Today, after a hard day on the wards as a trainee doctor, I went home and started getting frisky with my girlfriend. All I could think about was the anatomical names for what I was touching and doing. I felt physically sick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 757
You deserved it 4 593

Same thing different taste

Top comments

drawmesunshine 17

"I want to lick your labia minora." That's not so bad, OP.

There's no need for you to use your hypoglossal nerve in lingually palpating her ********. If she digitally stimulates your frenulum of prepuce, you're going to get into trouble. Just ignore her nipple-areola complex and concentrate on your textbook, junior.


Sleep, then try again in the morning, when your mind has gotten home as well.

Why do so many comments have so many thumbs down? It's not like these comments were bad.

This just proves that all good jobs have down sides too.

raspberryboo 10

now i know for sure i'll never become a doctor lol

brunetteblonde07 7

This cracked me up LMAO dude that really sucks!

after chemistry all I can think about is the molecular structure of objects

This should b in a doctor show or something it would make a funny scene.