By Anonymous - 30/12/2017 15:00

Today, after 4 years of college to get a BA in Marketing and 2 years to get an MBA, I landed a great job as a receptionist. My boss likes to fist bump when I buzz him through the security door correctly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 209
You deserved it 818

Same thing different taste

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Today, I started a new job with an established company, and even though I have two different pieces of paper from two different colleges, I still had to start in a beginner's position like almost everyone else. And, now my boss wants to connect with me to have some type of rapport, which surely wouldn't be forgotten when it comes time for a possible promotion, and his way of doing this is by fist bumping when I successfully complete a task. I'm just so above all of this though because I went to college. FML. That's you, that's what you sound like.

Really lost on this one. This doesn’t sound bad. Is it because you’re in a security position when you wanted to be in a marketing one? Because you could potentially move up from here, keep your hopes up OP and enjoy the chill boss.


So? What are you complaining about? Would you like a less supportive boss?

Really lost on this one. This doesn’t sound bad. Is it because you’re in a security position when you wanted to be in a marketing one? Because you could potentially move up from here, keep your hopes up OP and enjoy the chill boss.

Tbh, a MBA is not very useful if you don’t have a few years of work experience. No company is going to hire you directly as a manager straight out of college. Your boss seems pretty accessible though. Free to you to apply what you’ve learn at school to make recommendations to your boss and land a promotion ;)

Today, I started a new job with an established company, and even though I have two different pieces of paper from two different colleges, I still had to start in a beginner's position like almost everyone else. And, now my boss wants to connect with me to have some type of rapport, which surely wouldn't be forgotten when it comes time for a possible promotion, and his way of doing this is by fist bumping when I successfully complete a task. I'm just so above all of this though because I went to college. FML. That's you, that's what you sound like.

Awww i feel your pain OP. Obviously no one else gets it. but at least you have a job and it pays....... Just look for other jobs.

I definitely re-read this in Stewie's voice after that last line lol.

MamaChey 24

Fist bumps are cool! Since a receptionist position usually requires a HS Diploma or equivalent, I totally see OPs point. It’s likely very frustrating to apply for jobs after grad school and be overlooked because of lack of experience...

Wintermelons 19

What happens when you don’t buzz him in correctly?

ffc Squall 14

OP gets a different type of "fist bump."

onceuponatime456 16

Why the hell would you apply for a job as a receptionist if you have an MBA?? Get real!

Yeah... not sure why you're complaining. Most people would kill for a boss that cool. If that job is so beneath you, I know countless others who'd love to have it. Stop complaining and be grateful you not only have a job, but a fun one at that, which you even called "great."

So you think you come out of college with your fancy papers and know how to actually work? You just showed that you know how to learn and be dedicated enough not to give up on a task. So now you need to learn how to do actual work. An old boss told me once that he couldn't use people straight from university for anything else besides sharpening pencils for half a year. So gather some experience, show some more dedication and willingness to learn and then you can expect to be given more responsibility.

I don't see what the problem is. Unless you're being sarcastic, you have a decent job and your boss sounds pretty cool.