By brie - 02/11/2011 16:01 - United States

Today, after 3 years, I saw my ex, who I still love, at a coffee shop. Being nice, I said hi. He turned around, looked at me, and said, "Thank God I broke up with you. You look like a hot mess!" before getting up and walking out with his model girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 387
You deserved it 5 924

Same thing different taste

Top comments

*throws coffee at face* "Now you're a hot mess too, asshole!"

corbendo 3


Hope you're not in love with him anymore...

Bet youre not in love with him anymore :p

The only state in America where you can say "hot mess" and be straight

Sounds like he is a ******* prick! Your better off with out him

elizacandle 29

What an asshole. You're better off.

Stephencharis 14

he does not deserve are the best you can be....

silentxninja 13

What a jerk.... you should have replied "good thing you did break up with me; otherwise I'd still be stuck with a superficial asshole." And then proceeded to pour your hot coffee on him.

He's a jerk. But it's three years. Move on. And if he's that much of a jerk now, I have to think he was a jerk then too.

I know the feeling. Believe me, if he treats you like that, he won't have his 'model' girlfriend for much longer either.