By kay - 01/06/2012 21:08 - United Kingdom - Maidstone
Same thing different taste
By I_Am_The_Edge - 11/06/2009 16:06 - United States
Leave me alone
By re2K5 - 25/07/2009 16:39 - Korea Republic of
By Josh - 06/03/2015 00:25 - United States - Fenton
By Anonymous - 30/04/2012 21:46 - United States - Tampa
By Anonymous - 18/02/2011 21:36 - United States
By keerta_fml - 04/05/2017 02:00
By Anonymous - 14/02/2013 21:50 - Saudi Arabia - Dammam
By Anonymous - 27/05/2011 14:00 - Belgium
What a tool
By kash - 01/06/2015 18:14 - United States - Santa Clara
By RoyBoy - 26/07/2021 18:01
Top comments
Should listen to him! Seems like he has important things to say!
This whole conspiracy shit is getting people overwhelmed.
Didn't the Mayans disappear? If they didn't see that coming, then I highly doubt they can see the end of the world.
At least he didn't trip on bath salts and eat your face....
^^ The homeless guy was the one who got his face eaten... Not the one who ate it.
Did you eat his face off, OP?
smfh shudda gave him some money
User name basically says "Crazy kid", has "You only live once", as a picture, and gas a stupid comment. Geez I'll be pickle named Sally if he isn's the coolest kid with the most swaggest swagger in the world. Spoiler alert: I'm not a pickle named Sally. D:
Has* isn't*. Sorry to correct you MrSassypants but you're a lazy asshole who doesn't proofread.
Op wouldn't be so angry if he relaxed with a nice glass of Koolaid.
Dont mess with homeless people. They will kick your a** and not care about consequences. They have nothing to lose.
OP deserves it for putting their hands on another person. If I was trying to share with someone and they pushed me away.. I might get hostile too.
The poor man is suffering in a pit of despair. You must put him out of his misery *draws .38*
40- You are exactly right! Reminds me of that guy in Florida who was trying to share a meal with that other dude and he was shot! Some people... On second thought, actually I think the poor man WAS the other man's meal...which makes your argument invalid.
YDI for talking about Charlie Sheen like that.
At least op didn't throw a rock at the homeless guy...
Your lucky it wasn't dirty mike and the boys those homeless guys will have sex in your car.
Especially if you drive a tampon on wheels lol
Haha I love that movie!
It's these times that make me wonder why people around don't help?... Like call 911 maybe?
Riiiiiight. Calling 911, while in the UK, while running full sprint away from a guy with a knife, while fumbling for your car keys. Sounds legit.
Options: 1) Admit that I misread the comment and am a dick. 2) Claim that I was being sarcastic. HMM...
Or the third option: 3) Blame your mother's uncle's brother-in-law whose autocorrect made him say those things. Oh yeah and he was drunk.
Or your cat typed it. And lest people get the urge to thumb me down, I'll explain context here for those who don't get it. I am a mod on a forum. I have legit seen people try claim their cat typed offensive comments after I suspend their account. Yeah, sure. Ok I'm probably getting thumbed down now aren't I? :p
Anyone would have done the same. After hearing all of the weird shit in the news of people eating faces and shit, you can never be too careful.
People have been eating shit for a while, nothing new there. Looking at you 2 Girls 1 Cup! *chorus of crickets* Yes, yes I understood what you were saying. Just making a joke. The ******* crickets enjoyed it.
Haha in Zombieland, "Poor fat bastard"
Does that mean the world is going to end on December? Dang, the Mayans were right.
They were partly right. December 21, 2012 is Snooki's due date.
I'm not dumb, I was joking. I don't know her actual due date, due to the fact that I don't watch jersey shore, thank you very much.

Dont mess with homeless people. They will kick your a** and not care about consequences. They have nothing to lose.
Your lucky it wasn't dirty mike and the boys those homeless guys will have sex in your car.