By kay - 01/06/2012 21:08 - United Kingdom - Maidstone

Today, a homeless guy grabbed me and started ranting that "the Mayans were right" or some shit. He was making about as much sense as Charlie Sheen outside of a padded cell, so I shoved him away. That's when he decided to pull a knife and chase me all the way to my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 975
You deserved it 4 355

Same thing different taste

Top comments

melikeyturtles 3

Dont mess with homeless people. They will kick your a** and not care about consequences. They have nothing to lose.

Your lucky it wasn't dirty mike and the boys those homeless guys will have sex in your car.


Just throw a Twinkie at him or something.

I heard from a friend in miami that homeless people taste good....

Good think he wasn't naked and trying to eat your face.

Snackycake 20

Maybe he was right and the apocalypse involves everyone being attacked by homeless people.

You could have used a bit more tact. You don't shove homeless people or crazy people without making things worse. Next time, maybe just humour the guy, then carry on with your day.

Here's a tip- twin M1911s both look scary, and feel scary...