By Username - 10/10/2011 03:30 - United States

Today, a highly intoxicated man came into my workplace and complained that the medicine that I'd prescribed for his dog almost choked him. I work at Blockbuster. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 687
You deserved it 2 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How many times do I need to tell you Blockbuster people that even though the economy is bad, you can't prescribe medication on the side!

Look at you, number one. You went and left poor Alan struck dumb. >/


Learn to do your job better. Who gives Ritalin to a dog?! It's all about Adderall, you fool.

Since you work at Blockbuster, we look forward to your next FML that will read "Today, I lost my job because I worked for Blockbuster and it went bankrupt, FML" haha

VHS tapes are not medicine (do they still rent those out (or even make them)

All the blockbusters around me are closed

mario3584 0

Nice try OP. Blockbuster's been out of buisness for months.

Blockbuster isn't out of business--not even close. They've even extended online like Netflix.

I actually found this FML quite hilarious

gpd_deputy_1 6

I think it would defeat the purpose of the experiment to chew it over with Twix. Skittles would feel left out. Twix would have an unfair advantage, and we all know that Skittles should win. So let's just sit here and stare into space, ignoring everything and everyone until we come up with a winner. Or until the cops show up, kick in your door, and drag you out onto the lawn, all because you haven't been on Xbox Live for three hours.

I prefer Starbursts ^_^. But, your plan sounds fun. Let's go with that.