By Silent - 01/06/2012 14:24 - Singapore - Singapore

Today, a girl started talking to me at the bus stop. After it descended into an awkward silence, I jumped on my bus to avoid further conversation. She got on the same bus. And got off at the same stop. I swear the whole bus could feel the tension. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 958
You deserved it 4 675

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is almost as awkward as when you say bye to somebody and you both walk the same way...


You should have taken out your weiner

Things could go either way, south, she calls the police, or 'things' will go north. Pun intended.

I've learned that in situations like that, the tension is most likely just in your head. Just breathe deep and tell yourself it doesn't matter.

robo_thunder 13

Thats why ipods are so useful.

There is nothing awkward about a canvo ending with a stranger... U either start a new one or move on. Maybe ur just akward

Take out your phone and try having a conversation with someone else, or play a game. Your phone can really ease the tension!

Today, a girl talked to you, but then it went on for too long. FYL

You should have just spoke to her, ask her stuff and find out more next thing you know your friends and you might see her again

thiscrazything 1

Pretty sure the tension was only in your head, you've got to relax, son.

AzzieC 12

Wrong time 2 be on the bus...... Why didn't u try to start a conversation? Just curious

Makes me think of "waiting on the bus like a swede!" xD