This one simple trick! Doctors hate her!

By Anonymous - 11/06/2020 14:04

Today, I received many compliments from my co-workers on the weight I've lost and how nice I look. I haven't slept for the past month, and eating makes me nauseous. I don't have the heart to tell them my secret is anxiety and depression. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 689
You deserved it 140

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Please go get some help lack of proper nutrition from depression and anxiety can cause a lot of health issues down the road.

Lolo ✨ 5

I hate when people do this. People always assume weight loss is a positive thing when it could be a result of a mental health issue, eating disorder, something traumatic happening. Weight loss ≠ good all the time. I hope you’re getting help for your anxiety and depression if you can. Please don’t feel like the version of you before the weight loss isn’t just as valid or worthy of being valued and respected ❤️ sending you love and positive energy


I'm jealous! I wish I could have that form of depression. When I get down, I get fat. Rock your new exterior!

Please go get some help lack of proper nutrition from depression and anxiety can cause a lot of health issues down the road.

tulsy42 6
Lolo ✨ 5

I hate when people do this. People always assume weight loss is a positive thing when it could be a result of a mental health issue, eating disorder, something traumatic happening. Weight loss ≠ good all the time. I hope you’re getting help for your anxiety and depression if you can. Please don’t feel like the version of you before the weight loss isn’t just as valid or worthy of being valued and respected ❤️ sending you love and positive energy