This is fine

By Anonymous - 16/07/2011 23:09 - United States

Today, I was given a DUI while in the Whataburger drive thru. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 867
You deserved it 46 272

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shadowtrooper 0

hahaha dude stop drinking and driving

littlemissalex 3

Don't drink and drive, it's that simple. I dot care if you kill yourself doing it, but don't you dare kill an innocent person


YTFDI, hate Drunk drivers, if you dont care about your life, think about others u might kill.. get a effing cab back... My friend was killed a few years ago standing on a side walk by an out of control drunk driver... I HATE THEM, they should all go to JAIL!!!!!!!

u think that's bad? try getting a possession of pot charge in mcds dt, lmao

Haha_oh_wait 4

He should be strung up over an ant bed with a dop of honey on his taint!

hogs3212 0

what'd u do, order a big Mac? fyl u stupid idiot---- u got what u deserved!

1215116a 14

I'm fairly sure WHATABURGER doesn't serve any Big Macs...

hogs3212 0

I'm fairly sure I know that---- only a drunk idiot would go there and try to order one.....

ok. Even though you spelled it wrong. I understand just thinking about eating it blows your ******* mind enough to not be able to type right.

1215116a 14

A fast food joint in Oklahoma and Texas only, but it's really good :)

jjames7543 13
kala_lanier 2

Can't forget Georgia and Florida.

sexxme 9

You guys seriously need to chill. People make stupid choices, no need to be complete assholes about it. No one got hurt because of him, and its not like your bitchy comments are going to stop anyone from drinking and driving, so you're wasting your time. sorry.

1215116a 14

And YOUR bitchy comment isn't gonna stop them from commenting either. They just want to point out how much of an idiot OP is. Also what do you think would happen if he wasn't caught? People who drive drunk always run over people, hit other cars, which would possibly kill other people and themselves.

sexxme 9

you're exaggerating just a tad, don't you think? I've been with drunk drivers and they were driving perfectly fine. I'll admit i was an idiot back then for getting in a car with someone drunk, but since i was drunk myself i didnt think at that moment. and yes OP was also an idiot. but eventually he'll learn from his mistakes just as i did. i didn't intend to make my comment bitchy. i just think calling OP and idiot and everything is uncalled for. and so is dragging this conversation out.

1215116a 14

But you never know what could happen, the first time you drive drunk could be dangerous. He's lucky nothing happened.

sexxme, you are dead wrong. What julie said is NOT an exxaggeration. I lost my sister and cousins to a drunk driving accident. the son of a bitch who didnt think about the consequences of drinking amd driving and needs to "learn from his mistakes" lived from the accident while they all died. DRUNK DRIVING IS SERIOUS AND DOES KILL. And now, because of that accident and horrible day, my mother could not cope with the loss and commited suicide. I have lost 4 family members who were all near and dear to my heart and who touched me emotionally in so many ways. my life is forever changed and i will never be the same person i was before. RIP Anna, Nicole, Jessica, and my dear mother Linda.

On the other hand, there's some pretty ridiculous hyperbole on the other side... drunk drivers 'always' hit people or other cars? It's attempted murder? Everything has a shade of grey. Maybe the guy blew a .06 or something and got a ticket (I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure I could drive pretty well with a .06). I'm not defending drunk drivers, but to say OP Is evil for it seems like a gross stretch to me. I dunno. If OP was totally wasted and got a DUI, he deserves it. If he was a little buzzed and got a DUI, I don't think he deserved it at all. I'm sorry to the people here who have lost people to drunk drivers. But what about people like me that have lost family members to sober drivers? Really the thing that sucks is you lost a family member, not that the other person was drunk.

ReynshineCutting 10

It does suck because that selfish drunk driver caused those deaths with his/her choice. Buzzed driving is drunk driving and you most certainly should get a DUI for that. If you're wasted you should get a DUI and lots of jail time.

And this is the problem, roobear. As you can see from these posts, the majority of people have a zero tolerance for drunk driving, but there's a few like yourself who are under the impression that it's okay sometimes. It's those few that continue to kill themselves, their friends, and innocent bystanders every day in this country. The limit is .06 because science tells us that's when things get dangerous. The idea that a drunk person can predict if he's too drunk to drive has been proven wrong by every dead or incarcerated drunk driver in the country.

you are an EFFING IDIOT!!!! just because you and the morons you call friends survived to tell the sorry tale of your stupid action does not mean everyone does. the time you wasted typing such a bitchy and moronic message, you could have searched for the number of drunk driving related accidents in the world. Get your facts right girl, letting a drunk driver get behind the wheel is like giving a monkey (or ur drunk friends for that matter) a loaded pistol and letting them shoot at the crowd. People will get hurt for no fault of their own... Talk to someone who has lost someone close and you would know. I did, and I have never let anyone drunk drive a car in front of me even if that means I have to stay sober at a party. ITS NOT WORTH IT!!


ha, is funny cuzz i had never heard of a fast food called whataberger..

1215116a 14

It's only in Texas and Oklahoma.

alexisbabby 7

it's not only on those two states...

1215116a 14

Yeah, I just found that out, my apologies :)

alexisbabby 7