
By Anonymous - 18/04/2013 04:00 - United States - New York

Today, I had to explain to a woman why she wasn't allowed to squeeze all the contents of the sample lotion bottle into her own bottle. She threw a fit, and dumped the whole bottle on my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 301
You deserved it 4 073

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kallian_fml 21

That woman is a genius! Well, for having the idea, not the getting caught part.

zahra_786 19

I wonder how long she has been doing that for & in how many stores! Quite clever but silly at the same time :).


Kallian_fml 21

That woman is a genius! Well, for having the idea, not the getting caught part.

JadeWinter 16

I fail to see how abusing the sample items, then acting like a completely uncivilised bitch makes one a genius.

Kallian_fml 21
JadeWinter 16

Oh! Right. I'm sorry. That honestly went way over my head.

Haha im gonna try that some day, when i actually grow the balls to do it ...

But she got away with it by acting like a psycho, so moral of the story is throw a bitch fit and you can get away with anything

zahra_786 19

I wonder how long she has been doing that for & in how many stores! Quite clever but silly at the same time :).

Wait, we're not supposed to do that? Oh... That would explain why I sometimes get dirty looks..

RocketNinjaFish 12

Some people are just idiots. Unfortunately, there seems to be no escape from them at times.

Straight trash! No one actually thinks that it would be an okay thing to do. She obviously got flustered & quite embarrassed when she got caught, so that was probably the real reason for the fit & pouring it OP. I'd have her banned from all locations of your store!

I hate people who think that the rules apply to everyone except them.

Heh.. My "favorite" line about that is "do as i say, not as i do."

AboveAll04 14

you should have blew your contents all over her face !

Well did you use what she dumped on your head to moisturize?

And as she stomped away in "righteous" indignation, you should've picked up a nice big glob & hurled it at the back of that silly bitch's head...

Whenever anyone dumps a liquid on me, I always try and wipe it off with their clothes :)