They targeted gamers. GAMERS.

By hadakanbo - 17/04/2020 05:00

Today, after spending weeks collecting almost every star, flag, and stamp of Super Mario 3D World on the Wii U, I was working on the very last of the super bonus levels to get the final 12 of 380 available stars when my five-year-old decided to help. By accidentally deleting the file. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 717
You deserved it 557

Same thing different taste

Top comments

omgjenwtf 11

Maybe that’s your five year olds way of saying put down the controller and spend time with me!

Boyufd 24

put it the Wii and the controllers somewhere he can't get it


Boyufd 24

put it the Wii and the controllers somewhere he can't get it

Aw, that's so cute!! You think it was "accidental?" Bless your heart!

omgjenwtf 11

Maybe that’s your five year olds way of saying put down the controller and spend time with me!

Matthew Irmen 11

The FML should be that you got that far into a game and a five year old FML’d your day.

Maybe you need to pay more attention to your child than a video game, or better yet, teach him how to play!

Look on the bright side- the fun is in getting those achievements, not in having them. I wipe and re-start a lot of my computer games quite frequently.