Empathy bypass

By Jason - 17/04/2020 02:00 - United Kingdom - Newcastle

Today, I worked up the courage to confess my bulimia to my girlfriend of three months. It's a touchy subject for me and I ended up in tears. When I was done talking, I looked up to see my girlfriend's disgusted face. She claimed I had a 'vomit fetish', said I was 'half a man' and broke up with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 515
You deserved it 653

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, you really dodged a bullet here. I am not sure if she’s more stupid or mean. You will definitely find someone better. Best of luck

You're better off without someone so insensitive. It was very brave of you to tell her and I hope you fight and win against this!


Wow, you really dodged a bullet here. I am not sure if she’s more stupid or mean. You will definitely find someone better. Best of luck

daisythebunny1988 9

I'm sorry, you deserve better and I hope you find the help for yourself that you need. I wish you the best of luck

You're better off without someone so insensitive. It was very brave of you to tell her and I hope you fight and win against this!

cdebussy 1

wow, **** her and I really hope you can get help for yourself. I suffered with an eating disorder for years and told no one. proud of you for having the courage to find that bold trust to tell her! she can go to to hell lol, **** her. I hope you get better ❤️

EmDizzle2007 28

when you told her, had you also planned to do anything about it, or were you just expecting her to deal? not everyone who admits to a problem has intentions on doing anything about it, they just want sympathy and then play victim when they don't get it. I have a vomit kink. there's a difference between the two.

lifeis4me 20

I think OP just expected their SO to actually care since he was being open and honest about what’s going on. I’m sure he is struggling with bulimia, and some people do expect their SO to at least be dependable in such a difficult time. If he didn’t want help or change, he wouldn’t consider his bulimia a burden that he needed to be open about.

EmDizzle2007 28

we don't know how long they've been together. we don't know the nature of their union or the relationship as a whole. we don't know how they tried to bring it up. generalize everything. sounds like he was asking for something emotionally taxing from someone whom they hardly know. either that, or they have a habit of dating people who are emotionally unavailable.

**** her, man. you don't need that negativity in your life, you got enough going on. I hope you can get help. you don't wanna die from this 😥❤

bloopaloop 27

Well yeah, girls generally look for a strong person that they can lean on. Not the other way around. Eat up and go risk hurting yourself, mr. dainty pants.

ftpallday666 16

Ok, she’s a total piece of shit and you deserve so, so, so much better.