The rest of us get it

By Anonymous - 28/02/2022 14:00

Today, my husband refused to let my mother move in with us. He said he’d rather buy her another house than let her move in, then he actually threatened divorce before he’d let her move in. He’s never been this stubborn before about anything. I don’t get it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 273
You deserved it 2 209

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Having your mother-in-law move in is every man's worst nightmare. What are you thinking? Are you so clueless that you also discipline cats?

Have you asked why? If my husband had asked to move his mother in, we would have had a long discussion as to why it would be her or me and divorce would have absolutely been an option if he insisted.


Having your mother-in-law move in is every man's worst nightmare. What are you thinking? Are you so clueless that you also discipline cats?

Have you asked why? If my husband had asked to move his mother in, we would have had a long discussion as to why it would be her or me and divorce would have absolutely been an option if he insisted.

Azzizizz 3

Not much of a "discussion" to have if your only options are let her move in or go ahead on your divorce. Maybe you could sit down and have an ACTUAL talk about why he feels that way about the mother moving in with you, instead of just insisting you get your way

He'd rather buy another house for your mom? Let him buy another house for your mom.

I would rather carve my eye out with a rusty spoon then have my in law move in.

It's not stubbornness. If he has always been pliable, then the two of you have never had to work out how to communicate and deal with situations where something matters so much to him that backing down is not an option. Regardless of whether you understand or not, you need to TRUST HIM. He would not take a stand like this, for the first time ever, unless it were absolutely, critically important. And if you somehow manage to force him to back down, and let your mother move in, trust me: Your marriage will be doomed.

You need to talk with him as to what's really going on. Your mother could be terrible to him and you don't see it.

you need to take a good long hard look at how your mother treats him. if she is anything but respectful of him, you and your marriage autonomy, that's why. there's a good chance she treats him like shit but you're so used to it you don't see it

Mama got some dirt on him……and she’s about to get a new house out of it