The One

By NotTheSoulMate - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, even though I don't necessarily believe in soul mates, I found out my wife does. She met hers a few weeks ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 165
You deserved it 3 864

Top comments

You deserved better than her, just do your best to move on.

Aw man, I'm sorry... But hey, there's someone better for you out there alright? Everything happens for a reason after all~ c:


Prove to her that you are hers then. Don't let some schmoe take her away.

If OP doesn't believe in soul mates, then obviously it's not a big loss, right? Or does he not believe simply because his wife found another soul mate?

notsofriendly 17

I think the wording was meant to be funny but it'd be sort of sad if OP didn't feel like he needed a soulmate but up until this point his wife thought of him as hers... it sounds like maybe they weren't really looking for the same kind of relationship...

thejimler 9

I think what OP is more upset about is his wife trying to justify having an affair with fairy-tale ideas of the perfect fated love for one's self.

RedPillSucks 31

We don't really know that the wife previously thought OP was her soulmate. Perhaps she felt that she settled.

My soul mate is a lobster. She's been in my life forever and has never once tried to sink her claws into me.

I wish you a life time of happiness with your lobster!

First: Don't Panic. Does this sound strange? Yes, of course. However, how often have you folks heard of people getting 'swept up' in something, only to horridly regret it sometime in the future? I know this is a really awful situation, but you have a couple of choices-You can react badly, freak out and force her away, or you can take it with grace, and let her go-And if (and most likely when) Shit goes south, you will be in a MUCH better position to make your choices. You will then be in a position to say 'Well then how bout that, that whole 'soulmate thing didn't work out eh?' And depending on how *you* feel after the time apart, you will be in a better position to decide if you want to see if there is anything worth salvaging. The ball will be in your court.

Wow sorry op hopefully you meet yours you might not believe on tell you meet her for her she is a cheating Biach just saying

man at least you found out now rather than later I'm sure she'll start regretting what she's done. I'd suggest divorcing and leaving it at that...

sugarbear0727 19

To quote Johnny Depp 'If you love two people, let the first one go. Cause if you truly loved them, there would be no second.' Or something like that.

Well maybe you'll find your's too one that won't look for their true one when you are married...