The One

By NotTheSoulMate - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, even though I don't necessarily believe in soul mates, I found out my wife does. She met hers a few weeks ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 164
You deserved it 3 864

Top comments

You deserved better than her, just do your best to move on.

Aw man, I'm sorry... But hey, there's someone better for you out there alright? Everything happens for a reason after all~ c:


Oh that's awful! I hope she wasn't using you as a coverup :/ I know there are some people that just are confused about their sexuality... You'd think she would've figured it out when she lost her v-card.

Confused about their sexuality? Where does this say the soul mate is female?!?!

yourmurderscenex 13

talk about being confused... wth are you going on about. when did the wife become lesbian?

Aww dammit! I read it as "she met her a few weeks ago" Feel free to thumb down my idiocy.

I feel sorry for you! I have no respect for people who violate the sanctity of mairrage!

threer 30

I have no respect for people who spell shit wrong AND judge.

Forgive me but English isn't my first language. I am becoming accustomed to it since I arrived in Canada

That really sucks. But if she was so quick to ditch you for somebody else and move on, you're better off without her

perdix 29

Divorce, or a three-way. Life is about choices.

RedPillSucks 31

I don't think M-F-M is the 3-way he was hoping for.

incoherentrmblr 21

Option C: Pack your sh**, leave, and never return...

Option D: she was the sleaze put her shit in a box on the front lawn and redecorate the living room into a man cave.

It could just be a fling, but I think that I would start divorce papers as soon as possible. I wish you well in your life.

jw90 18

Well we know now that she doesn't deserve you. What I don't get is if she didn't think you were her soul mate why marry you in the first place?

RedPillSucks 31

As has been said before, one doesn't have to believe in soul mates to fall in love. Believing in soul mates means you think there's this ONE perfect person for you.

I believe 23 meant since the wife clearly believes in soul mates why marry someone she didn't think was that person. We've established that OP doesn't believe in it but his wife does and we're assuming did, the whole time she was with OP.

She may not have believed in soul mates until she met this new person.

Sorry Buddy, that sucks - hang in there - By the way, they sound more like "crotch mates" than "soul mates" Just an observation.

kunlunkid 3

Were I you, OP, I'd mate the sole of your shoe weith the squishiest part of her backside. Forgiving that sort of thing (assuming that she even wants that forgiveness) just leaves you open for the same thing (or worse) to happen again (and again, and again...). Once the trust is gone from a marriage, it's time to have a good cry, punch a few innocent walls, and get the divorce paperwork rolling sooner rather than later. Who knows? Maybe your soulmate's out there too, whether you believe in the concept or not.

And then a few weeks later she married him, and he's you?