The nerve of this guy

By Fairla31 - 24/07/2022 08:00 - United States - Tampa

Today, my ex asked me if he could live with me so he wouldn't be homeless. He also asked if he could introduce me to his new girlfriend so they wouldn't have "trust issues." This coming from the same guy living with grandma and mom, who has no job, no car, and basically dumped me for her. Like, sure buddy I'll get right on making her feel comfortable. FML
I agree, your life sucks 931
You deserved it 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There must have been an intervention over his behaviors if he’s getting kicked out by grandma and mom. Why can’t his new gf take him in? I wouldn’t want to meet her either.


There must have been an intervention over his behaviors if he’s getting kicked out by grandma and mom. Why can’t his new gf take him in? I wouldn’t want to meet her either.

I think she means he wanted the girlfriend to move in as well.

Wait, "making her comfortable"?? You let him stay with you?!?