Be better, people

By Unwelcome - 29/11/2020 11:02

Today, I went to my fiancé’s family’s house for dinner. They put pork and/or alcohol in EVERY. SINGLE. DISH. Including putting bacon grease in the desserts. They know I’m Muslim and his mom insisted I was being rude for only drinking water. We ended up leaving with me in tears. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 940
You deserved it 409

Same thing different taste

Top comments

peithecelt 28

the big question is what does your fiance think of this bullshit from his family....

Sorry, but you must dump him. If your fiancé didn't stand up for you, then he's as big a piece of shit as the rest of his bigoted family. Move on, nothing to see here.


peithecelt 28

the big question is what does your fiance think of this bullshit from his family....

If they left BEFORE the meal ended, then he was not taking their crap and should be commended. If they left AFTER, then he condoned it and is a POS.

Sorry, but you must dump him. If your fiancé didn't stand up for you, then he's as big a piece of shit as the rest of his bigoted family. Move on, nothing to see here.

dragonfly08330 10

his family doesn't want you:( if he didn't stick up for you, do not marry this person.

tounces7 27

If that's the way they are, never go back there again. And if your fiance supports their shit, get out quick.

you need to take a good long look at this relationship. if he sat back quietly and allowed this, RUN. it's easier to leave now, then divorce and split custody. go join reddit at /rJustNoMIL, and maybe r/JustNoSO. they'll give you advice on how to handle things and tell you straight. she's not going to change. he's either going to need to cut them off or this will be your life. there's nothing he brings to the table that makes it worth it.

DoctorPALO 14

How have you been together long enough be engaged and not know his family feels this way? Has he ever made a point of defending your beliefs to them? If not, get out and do it fast! If he has and they are still acting like this, you may still want to reconsider marrying into this, because it will affect the marriage, and if you have children, it will affect them too.

Personally, I would have just called them all pigs.

You don’t want to marry into that family of garbage humans.

I'm confused. Do they normally do those things, or did they do it because they knew you were coming for dinner?

mccuish 25