The comeback kid

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I'm still coughing. I was diagnosed with whooping cough last week, which apparently cannot be treated. Basically, it appears I'm a 19th century English peasant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 897
You deserved it 4 644

Top comments

Sounds like #6 has it. Nearly eradicated in developed nations since the 1970s, whooping cough is apparently on the rise again because modern parents are all sociopaths/brave protectors of precious snowflake. Go, parents!


This is not a FML. I had the whooping cough when I was a kid (which was weird since I was so young, but whatever). If there were antibiotics when I was 8 (13 years ago) to treat it, then they're still out there so stop whining.

Every heard of this thing called antibiotic resistant bacteria? Dumbass.

beckyb 0

This particular bacteria has not been shown to have developed resistance... yet. The antibiotics used to treat it are pretty effective if it's caught early enough but they have terrible side effects so people tend to stop treatment early (which is actually one of the major causes of antibiotic resistance.)

Well that's good to hear. Yea, people tend to stop taking their course of antibiotics even if they don't have bad side effects, which is why we have so many penicillin (and other -cillin drugs) resistant bacteria. Damn beta-lactamase.

Lichinamo 33

Some people don't take -cillin drugs. Now, you must be think, "What dumbass wouldn't take their -cillin drugs?" People with cillin drug allergies, that's who.

Sadly, I managed to catch the whooping cough during my last month of Sophomore year in high school. I got rid of it during the first month of Junior year. I had it for over two months straight.

Oh, bitch, bitch, bitch. Who gives a ****? It's not like you have AIDS. In a few weeks you'll be fine, now suck it up and appreciate the opportunity to gain some immunity.

Oh god, we can't complain or want sympathy about anything unless we have AIDS now? I'll remember that the next time you fall down the stairwell and break something.

OnDistantShores 0

Soooo not an FML. Do you see regular FMLs from people saying "Today, I still have cancer. It can't be treated. FML"?

Should've made sure you were up-to-date on your vaccinations. It *is* preventable and it is a wide-spread vaccine that is given to all ages. Go get yourself some Zithromax and don't cough on people.

thats weird. i had whooping cough about 2 months ago, and i went on antibiotics. you cant get rid of the ough fully, it goes gradually. but it made it so i wasnt contagious anymore. i still have a little bit of a cough, but im not sick anymore or anything. you can get something for it. go back to your doctor. i know your in a different country, but surely they can do something! even cough medicine helped a bit :)

I had that once. I'm pretty sure it's treatable.

Oh poor you, you poor person, having Whooping Cough when it's nothing but a mere annoyance. I ******* nearly died when I had it at 4 weeks of ages due to ******* FOBs coughing all over me. Grow up. And #40, only the symptoms are, the disease itself isn't, or that's how it was last I checked.

I got it when I was three weeks old & had to spend my first Christmas in hospital because some dipshit parents refused to vaccinate their child.

whopping cough sucked ass... don't think it counts as an fml though... unless its stopping you from something awesome

mendel_fml 0

7000 incidents of whooping cough each year in Canada. And apparently once you're past the "it#s just a cold" stage, there's not much medication can do.