The comeback kid

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I'm still coughing. I was diagnosed with whooping cough last week, which apparently cannot be treated. Basically, it appears I'm a 19th century English peasant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 897
You deserved it 4 644

Top comments

Sounds like #6 has it. Nearly eradicated in developed nations since the 1970s, whooping cough is apparently on the rise again because modern parents are all sociopaths/brave protectors of precious snowflake. Go, parents!


You DEFINITELY aren't the first. I've had it three times. suck it up, you'll be fine! ****** retard!

This isn't an FML. I had whooping cough last summer. Big deal. You don't see me whining on FML. (Even though it does SUCK)

I know someone who got whooping cough three years ago, when she was a sophomore in high school. She had it for, like, a year.

hmmmn, not so much 19th century English peasant... more like 1880's British Orphan... Pertussis sucks. FYL

shewasalmost18 0

lmao, the last sentence is hilarious

I'm surprised at how many people have gotten pertussis assuming they have gotten the Tdap vaccine.

Apparently, TDAP isn't as effective as one would think :/ I double checked my shot records when I got diagnosed with pertussis, and I was beyond up to date on my vaccines, as I had to be reimmunized for a handful (including TDAP) before I traveled to the UK in 2000. And #162...I feel you, because I'm dealing with it right now. When my doc told me that I had whooping cough, I asked him if I was going to die of dysentery on Oregon Trail. It just isn't one of those things that I thought I could "catch", but apparently, it's becoming more and more common, due to bordetella pertussis joing the ranks of MDR bacteria.

Should have been vaccinated. Viruses like pertussis kill people. Hope you get over it, and get a booster shot, soon. ^_^

Pertussis is not a virus. It's a bacterium. Bordetella pertussis. Everyone assumes that it's a virus because there is a vaccine for it. Tetenus is also a bacterium. And Tuberculosis. They all have vaccines, but they are bacteria, NOT viruses. There is a HUGE difference.

Also, sorry, I didn't mean to go off on you like that.

KarCar523 0

dude I got whooping cough when I was 14, 3 months after Major back surgery, and 15 month after getting treated for Cancer...SUCK IT UP

my friend had whooping cough and he was out of school for 3 months

What do you mean whopping cough can't be treated i had it when i was like 10 and the doctors gave me some really good medicine that tasted like orange creamsicle. it was gone in like a week. guess the states doesnt treat whopping cough i'm glad i live in canada.

beckyb 0

Maybe they caught it sooner. If you don't get the meds early enough, there isn't a whole lot they can do.