The comeback kid

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I'm still coughing. I was diagnosed with whooping cough last week, which apparently cannot be treated. Basically, it appears I'm a 19th century English peasant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 897
You deserved it 4 644

Top comments

Sounds like #6 has it. Nearly eradicated in developed nations since the 1970s, whooping cough is apparently on the rise again because modern parents are all sociopaths/brave protectors of precious snowflake. Go, parents!


1985_fml 0

there is some pill you can take. i had it my doctor gave me that.

beckyb 0

To all the people saying "stop crying" "this isn't a FML" "there are worse things you could be suffering from" "omg I had this and it was so much worse that what you're going through": If you don't like reading about lives not truly ******, this isn't the site for you. Most of the situations are unfortunate, but they are not the end of the ******* world. Get over it.

i, for one, feel sorry for you. i currently have this terrible cough that won't go away an it SUCKS! also, i've had pneumonia 4 times, and right now, i'd rather have that. that sucks dude.

One of my sister's friends got whooping cough a few months ago, but they caught it early and treated it so it only lasted two weeks. Luckily it hasn't become very widespread in my area, I'm allergic to the vaccine and the one I got as a child has probably worn off by now.

drink as much oj as you can, and get plenty of sleep... all you can do is just suck it up and deal with it

gigi2009 0

"19th century English peasant" ?!??! ummm......

um, mate, i had whooping cough when I was 2 weeks old, when it was dangerous to have? Get over it, it's just a shitty cough when you get older, toughen up a little.