The comeback kid

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I'm still coughing. I was diagnosed with whooping cough last week, which apparently cannot be treated. Basically, it appears I'm a 19th century English peasant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 897
You deserved it 4 644

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Sounds like #6 has it. Nearly eradicated in developed nations since the 1970s, whooping cough is apparently on the rise again because modern parents are all sociopaths/brave protectors of precious snowflake. Go, parents!


I have Whooping Cough right now, too. It sucks.... especially when you have to pull over when you start coughing so hard you vomit... and get a bloody nose. And, by the way, over time the vaccine becomes less effective... not to mention that as we get older certain things in our environments may weaken the immune system. Or, in my case, having an auto immune disease. So..... I did get the vaccine and I still got Whooping Cough. Also, according to my research (and the Health Department..), the medication (usually Erythromycin) is effective in eliminating the bacteria quickly. However, by the time you are diagnosed and treated, your body is quite agitated and inflamed, meaning the cough can last up to three months... There's a reason it's called the HUNDRED DAY COUGH.... So, basically, the authors of most of these comments can just stfu.

....if it wasn't gnarly... there wouldn't be a vaccine for it. Jesus.

I just love all these people saying "you should have gotten vaccinated..." all high and mighty. Like any of us had a damn choice when we were 6 months old.

beckyb 0

You can still get vaccinated when you are old enough to make your own decisions. Just saying.

Dancergirl318 0

uh I had whopping cough when I was three months old. I was camping in Canada when I came down with it. I coughed so hard I turned blue. I survived obviously because Im 17 now. I think you will survive. btw, now I have swine flu and I've been quarentined for a week. you don't get sympathy.

Dancergirl318 0

btw I still have a cough that sounds like a seal from have pertussis. you'll live.

Hambag_ 0

An English peasant?! How dare you insult the English! (Being an English person myself) Although I am rather proud of you for saying English instead of British, really grinds my gears that does :D

k umm i dont know what country you are from but here in canada there is a cure for it...there is some syrup that tastes like banannas, but you can be cured....i am living proove who is whopping cough free. I had it when i was 5...your will get over this.

CyouatX 0

ive had whooping cough before it sucks!! first i got it, then after it got better i got it again to only be followed by the flu and of course pneumonia along with that

Pepin_the_Short 0

Historically speaking...This is pretty ******* hilarious

jennbug 0

Had Whooping Cough when I was ten for 3 months. Cracked a rib from coughing so much. It sucks.