Thanks for bringing that up

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my mother asked my live-in girlfriend if she's had any problems with me peeing the bed. I haven't wet the bed since I was seven and I'd hoped to take that secret to my grave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 230
You deserved it 3 069

Top comments

Chill out. If it hasn't happened for that many years, it shouldn't be an issue.

But you haven't wet the bed since you were seven. So it's not really an issue.


So you wet the bed until you were in 3rd grade, big deal, lots of kids do that. I jhave a 10 yr old who still wets the bed, and it doesn't bother him any

You want to keep it a secret so you put it on the Internet? That is a fail of epic proportion.

The_Earth 0

considering it's anonymous, you posting this, hoping to get comments obviously, is stupid. it's anonymous, meaning nobody knows who this person is. humans.. /:

fartalini 0

i got piss drunk last night and pissed the 23 lol

oh please- every little kid pees the bed, its not a secret for anyone. BFD. FYL for thinking this is an FML.

and now you just announced it to the Internet. Real secret, huh? YDI for being a moron

for all the retards who are saying thar he just told the entire Internet about he's secrete, remember no one knows exactly who posted the FML so sure he told every one but no one will know it was him

haha this man knows what he's talking about

kwmfl 4

He may know what he's talking about, but he really needs to spell better.

kwmfl 4

haha i didn't even realize he said "secrete" I just saw the extra "e" afer secret.

TahoeFMler 22

Afer? Can we just agree typos happen or iPhones change our words?

If you take secrets to the grave that means that your never going to tell them to anyone, ever.

And now your telling the whole world. Big secret