Thanks for bringing that up

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my mother asked my live-in girlfriend if she's had any problems with me peeing the bed. I haven't wet the bed since I was seven and I'd hoped to take that secret to my grave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 229
You deserved it 3 069

Top comments

Chill out. If it hasn't happened for that many years, it shouldn't be an issue.

But you haven't wet the bed since you were seven. So it's not really an issue.


I peed on myself in outdoor school and played it off by falling in a puttle so I could shower

I agree..... that's what is on my bed...

what's the big deal??? that's why the sell adult diapers.... for Bed Wetters.....

and yet now you share that secret with anyone who reads this fml lol

zebrapattern 6

so? a lot of people pee in the bed, it's not a big deal. if your girlfriend acted shocked, she was faking because 1.there's no way she's never heard of someone wetting the bed as a kid or 2. she was probably a bed-wetter, too.

O big deal. I wet the bed when I was 7

sendten 4

Obviously not don't you know the Internet is forever

kittykat1501 31

So u announce it on the internet