Thanks for bringing that up

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my mother asked my live-in girlfriend if she's had any problems with me peeing the bed. I haven't wet the bed since I was seven and I'd hoped to take that secret to my grave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 230
You deserved it 3 069

Top comments

Chill out. If it hasn't happened for that many years, it shouldn't be an issue.

But you haven't wet the bed since you were seven. So it's not really an issue.


iliveinthesky_fml 0

well you can't always get what you want huh?

Sparkiee93 3

Whatdidja do to piss (pun not intended) your mom off?

SarahMarie83 0

I almost did a spit take with my soda. Congrats to you, sir, that was hilarious.

stewpididiot 11

do you really believe that it doesn't bother him ? what kind of ****** up parent are you ? too stoned to think about how it's going to affect h as he gets older ? sleepovers are pretty much out of the question unless he wears 'big boy diapers'... I'm sure that won't bother him... til his friends find out. kids can be cruel. pull your head out of your ass and help your child. **** !!!!

stewpididiot 11

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. If a 10 year old pisses the bed without a care, I'm thinking bed wetting is the least of the parents worries.

'Accidentally' leave a couple of nursing home brochures around the house. If she asks, say "Well Mom, sometimes you do say the strangest things..."

That is classic. The mom totally deserves it!

There are people shallow enough to break up over favorite bands or movies. I have no faith in people. I know several women who would dump a guy over far less.