Taking the piss

By birthday girl - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Toledo

Today, it's my birthday. The only thing I received was a bill for a piss test I took earlier this year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 356
You deserved it 4 253

Top comments

darlingdollie 24

Happy birthday, OP! It's okay, nobody cared about mine a couple days ago either!


Happy birthday, OP! You were alone and as crappy that is at least no one ruined it. Trust me when I say the latter is way worse; I've had all of mine ruined so far.

missyfiona89 28

For what's worth, happy birthday OP.

Happy Birthday! May the coming year be full of good friends and empty of piss tests :)

It's hard times for a lot of people out there, count your blessings

Happy Birthday OP! Make this year your best yet and go out and do something to bring some lovely friends into your life.

Kozmotis 8

It's my birthday too. Happy birthday, my twin!

Welcome to adulthood, sorry to say, where birthdays can become totally meaningless and un memorable. Sorry !