Suspicious behavior

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out that driving five miles an hour under the posted speed limit is "suspicious" and cause for a field sobriety test, breathalyzer, having your car searched and being handcuffed on the side of the road. FML
I agree, your life sucks 81 598
You deserved it 12 830

Top comments

Sounds like the cop doesn't know the law very well (surprise surprise). Any evidence would have been tossed...he's a moron.

@#2: What? There are plenty of reasons to be driving under the speed limit: - it's dark - bad weather - you are unfamiliar with the territory/trying to find a place you've never been - you don't know the speed limit - you're car is impaired


Yep, had (almost) the same thing happen to me. No breathalizer or handcuffs though. Awesome huh?

brcck 0

Well, if you were drunk, you deserved it. Asshole. Otherwise, that blows!

There are many reasons to be driving slowly in good conditions: -Being affraid of getting a speed ticket -Being lost -Climbing hills with a car with a weak engine... I dont know about US laws , but in France there is no minimum speed, except on freeways ( 60 kilometers/hour) , or unless it is specified when you unter the road ( usually in tunnels for safety reasons)

onaboat325 0

that's ridiculous. i put my four ways on today because on a road with a 50 mph speed limit people felt the need to do 70 instead. umm...yeah.

in new jersey i believe you get another ticket(or even arrested) if you refuse to take a breath test so it depends where he lives, he may not hav been able to deny the taking of the test

Driving really slow can be just as dangerous as driving too fast. You're holding people up behind you & could cause an accident becuase people will try to pass you out...

Believe it or not, driving at or under the speed limit is much more suspicious than doing the usual 5-10 over. Cops know that average people speed. People who drive slowly and are overly cautious are often drunk, high, or have something to hide. Thus, that sort of thing can get you pulled over. However, the cop had no business searching your car or detaining you in that manner. If you didn't consent to the search, he probably wasn't allowed to search your car. If that's the case, get his badge number, an attorney, and start filing formal complaints.

#3 Actually whatever the officer found wouldnt be thrown because as stupid as it is he did break the law, going over the speed limit, even by one mile per hour, is still illegal so if he found anything charges would stick. #80 I agree with you, but for an officer to detain dude had to do something, Maybe the officer saw something he shouldnt have had, then plain view goes into effect so he detained him till he could figure out wtf is going on. My best guess #78, funny story in my state If you refuse to take any test an officer ask, but really its required do to the implied consent law, you lose your driving lisence for a year and your arrested for Suspicion of DUI and taken to a hospital and forced to give blood. Good times

fcuk_mylife 0

i ******* HATEEEEE people who drive SLOWER than the speed limit. i even hate people who drive exactly AT the speed limit. you deserved this.

You guys need to learn your rights! It is ALWAYS legal to deny a breathalyzer test. Also, it's a Constitutional right (#4) to deny a warrentless search, unless he has probable cause. But cops need to have a serious, serious reason to be pegged as probable cause. Not even a little swerving counts as probably cause. They still have to ask about ALL of that, the search, the breathalyzer, etc. People really really need to learn and stop letting cops push their power around! It is not always best to comply with a cop! Let them know that you know they're full of **** in the most polite way possible =).