Suspicious behavior

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out that driving five miles an hour under the posted speed limit is "suspicious" and cause for a field sobriety test, breathalyzer, having your car searched and being handcuffed on the side of the road. FML
I agree, your life sucks 81 598
You deserved it 12 829

Top comments

Sounds like the cop doesn't know the law very well (surprise surprise). Any evidence would have been tossed...he's a moron.

@#2: What? There are plenty of reasons to be driving under the speed limit: - it's dark - bad weather - you are unfamiliar with the territory/trying to find a place you've never been - you don't know the speed limit - you're car is impaired


dont worry. my neighbors called the cops on me for going 30 mph in the neighborhood. the speed limit is 25. the cops actually showed up. only in peachtree city........ oh yeah then they tell me that in a neighborhood you can be cited for going 1 mph over the speed limit & have to appear before a judge.

Don't cops have to get a warrant to search? That's ridiculous.

Where's the probable cause. rabithatter is right. No way would anything they find hold in court. Know your's important.

Police officers need a Search Warrent for entering close places, homes, containers, tuck of the car. We dont know the fill story, Also some departments could have rule where they can detain someone for their safety. Remember that, and i will say it again, WE DONT know the whole story, he or she could be leaving out something major. But in general rule they dont need a search warrent, just ask if they can search, if not, they can call in a K-9 unit. Remember pulling someone over they need Reasonable Supsision, to arrest they need PC. So he had to have a reason. Cops arent all assholes, Cant we respect the people who put their lives on the line?? #83, You have a right to refuse, but look into your law, Because there might be a law called Implied consent, meaning that when you get behide the wheel you agree to obey all laws and take any and all test an officer ask of you. Atleast thats how it is in my state. You have rights yes, but the 4th amendment says they wont enter, Im pretty sure, from what ive seen cops wont come up and ask to search, police officers will run into a private dwelling without a search warrent when a criminal is running from them. thats legal to chase after them Guys stop bashing police officers, You dont know what they have to go though to become one, Yes there are bad cops and everything, but heres the bottom line, If you have a bad experience with one, its your fault cause you did something wrong, Cops have video cameras in cars that only Supervisors can get to. So instead of F the cops, stop breaking the dam law they are willing to put there lives on the line for. Final statement, look into your law and check under traffic Code, see what the law is on what is considered speeding, If you guys look into the law and understood whats going on, and check out the section on what the police powers are it will make the situation you have with them better.

braFTW 0

Are you black? The police loves to stop and have a chat with black people, that sucks.. If not, were you doing any other thing you forgot to mention? If you were doing absolutely nothing suspicious, maybe the policeman was bored. =D

Um... that's bullshit. I don't know where you're from but big trucks are supposed to drive 10 mph under the speed limit here. That means there will ALWAYS be other vehicles driving significantly under the speed limit. There's a reason it's called a speed limit-it's the absolute fastest you're allowed to drive. It doesn't mean it's the ONLY speed you're allowed to drive.

you should probably learn your rights. the 5 mph thing is obviously bullshit so you were pretty much pulled over for looking suspicious or to attempt to fill some quota. you can't be searched or beathalyzed without consent, though, and they can't detain you (handcuff you on the side of the road) for saying to be you, but goddamn, learn your rights.