
By Lopez85 - 22/05/2024 22:00 - Australia - Darwin

Today, I got up at 2 AM to grab a snack. I quietly crept down the stairs, only to find my dad, mom, and a couple of their friends having a secret poker game. Now they think I have a sleepwalking problem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 358
You deserved it 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Because you couldn't admit you were hungry?

Unless drugs or shit-tons of college money was in the pot, why do they need to have secret poker games? And, unless for the reasons stated above, why would they care if you were up at 2AM?


Because you couldn't admit you were hungry?


Unless drugs or shit-tons of college money was in the pot, why do they need to have secret poker games? And, unless for the reasons stated above, why would they care if you were up at 2AM?

As long as it wasn't strip poker, it's okay. There are much worse things they could have been doing.