Sounds like a keeper, actually

By Anonymous - 16/04/2021 17:30 - United States - Chicago

Today, my roommate walked in on me going down on my girlfriend in our shared living area. She was embarrassed for about 20 seconds, then pushed my head back down and told me to keep going until he comes back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 562
You deserved it 1 778

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LMAOOOOO Unless your roommate was sour about it, I don't see too much of a problem here! If I was someone's roommate and walked in on them doing a sexual act, I'd be courteous, apologize and give them the private moment they need. You gotta pleasure her regardless somehow. So did you comply? I know I sure as hell would. **** it 😂

well they are doing it in the common space. If the roomate doesn't care and also your girlfriend. it's your choice


LMAOOOOO Unless your roommate was sour about it, I don't see too much of a problem here! If I was someone's roommate and walked in on them doing a sexual act, I'd be courteous, apologize and give them the private moment they need. You gotta pleasure her regardless somehow. So did you comply? I know I sure as hell would. **** it 😂

well they are doing it in the common space. If the roomate doesn't care and also your girlfriend. it's your choice

bleachedraven 14

It's great to be sexually adventurous and be sure of yourselves...maybe some courtesy for the housemates though? If they don't care, then by all means don't let it ruin a good time. Could be awkward afterwards though. Sex is natural, but most people are private about it.