
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Canada - Owen Sound

Today, I caught my dad sneaking a drink of whiskey outside, shortly before my wedding. I asked if he was seriously getting drunk at a time like this. He looked at me and scoffed, "It's the only way I'm gonna get through this stupid shit." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 997
You deserved it 5 051

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's rude. A dad should be more mindful and respectful, ESPECIALLY at a time like this.

Do the same thing if your invited to his anniversary


potato63 10

Oh well to bad maybe it was lame

No matter how "lame" a wedding is, it is often the best day in the married couple's lives. :) Basically, a wedding can't be "lame".

you were doing you let your dad do him he won't be around forever

Congratulations! I hope the ceremony was beautiful. It is moments like the one with your father that (I hope an anomaly) make you and your family laugh for years to come! Best to you and yours on your new beginnings.

Why were you outside? I thought the bride would be way too busy to be worried about little things like this.

Best part of going to a wedding IS the drinking tho.... ? And congratulations on marriage!!! ??

It's sad that a parent would put their own feelings over their child's. It doesn't matter how you feel when someone you know is getting married, it's about the people getting married. If they truly want to get married, they will with or without you. I for one hope if I have children that I would have raised them to marry someone I could respect and accept into the family. If not, then either I don't know the whole story or I am caring more about my feelings over theirs and I should stop. No matter how I felt I would still support my child. I know what it's like when I didn't have the support and I always want my children to know their happiness is all I care about. When you have a child you create a life, and after a certain point, you can only influence it.

cryssycakesx3 22

if you "put people's feelings above yours" that wouldn't have been so long and repetitive.

So, if your child was marrying a convicted criminal with a bunch of skull tatoos and smokes and says things to your daughter like 'bitch make me a sandwich', then you'd still support her? Because obviously your daughter isn't being naive or manipulated, right? You just don't know the whole story?

Maybe he dislikes the husband or has social anxiety issues. Don't rush to judge the man.

I have crippling social phobia and anxiety, yet every time I am a raging butt much it has been fully my choice.

i'm sorry but i can't find a way to be positive about what he said, he's your dad and he should be supportive of you at this time, not casually degrading your marriage

Delsanity 13

At least he is honest haha. Kick him out .

That's just rude and disrespectful to you.