Smoke 'em while you can

By OuttaNowhere81 - 15/05/2009 04:05 - United States

Today, I was smoking a cigarette in my backyard while my parents were out, because I'm not allowed to smoke. While smoking, my parents came home unexpectedly. In a rush, I flicked it over the fence, and it landed in my neighbor's hair. It was still lit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 624
You deserved it 73 888

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Millybug 0

That's what you get for smoking, nitwit. I hope you at least apologized to your poor neighbor.

YDI. I don't care if people smoke or not, just be responsible.


Haha, your neighbor got owned, awesome! :D F her life! :P

patray_angel 0

I don't smoke, but unlike some of these other assholes, I am not going to lecture you for smoking. Do I think it is a great idea, no, but there are a lot of habbits out there that people have that aren't good for them or those around them. Anyway, you do at least need to put your cigarette out and actually throw it away. I dislike seeing cigarette butts littered all over the place, but it bothers me more if I walk by one that is still lit. That is just an accident waiting to happen as you found out. I am not sure how old you are, so I can't really give my opinion on your parents not letting you smoke. If my daughter wants to smoke when she gets older, I don't feel that I can stop her. Will I let her smoke inside the house, NO. Will I pay for her cigarettes, NO. I know some say your parents house therefore their rules, but unfortunately as a parent, you can't control your kids 24/7, plus, if you are too controlling, you run the risk of them either rebelling or not knowing how to handle freedom once they have it. When I went off to college, I knew of quite a few people who pretty much went nuts as far as drinking, partying, being sleezy, experimenting with drugs, etc, just because their parents were way too controlling of them growing up.

glockjaw 0

I like how all these dumb ***** are saying its harmful to your body and you could *gasp* die. Like we're not all already going to die? Go ahead and waste your precious rights bitching at people for 'killing themselves' But please tell me your secret to eternal life!!11!! Smoking is a stress reliever. And to those people bitching about second-hand smoke. Unless you live with a spouse or someone that smokes around you constantly or your just breathing in cigarette smoke everywhere you go for like 10 years. You'll be fine, pussy. For #32, the dumbass who thinks his 'strong will' will allow him to live THAT much longer than the rest of us.

#45 exactly my thoughts. You little anti smoking ******* arent going to die from being exposed to second hand smoke.

And smoking is a very quick and effective stress reliever. Wait! Oh no! Im going to die five years earlier? Do i give a shit? Its my body, and im very well aware of the health risks (having been told in school countless ******* times), as are many others.

second hand smoke won't kill us. neither will B.O, but the fact remain that your stupid, an no one wants to smell your ignorant ass. calling non smokers *******?! ROFL keep thinking that, we deal with our stress, don't need to work toward ruining my life to get over a little stress. Pussy. lol

Hiimhaileypotter 52

I bet you all will be singing a different tune when you have lung cancer.

i'll second that #45 #31 do you think you are jedi or some shit. I think you're a nob.

#31 & 34 is my hero on another note: YDI for disregarding your parents rules and disrespecting your neighbor like that.

idontgiveone 0

Did you enjoy your cancer stick? -.-

hey, i work for the government to try and prevent teens from smoking. I have learned a lot because of my job. the very first thing you learn tho, is to NOT be anti smoking. smoking is not good for you, that much is obvious, but it is proven that yelling at smokers doesnt help, ideally we are sopposed to be against the tobacco industry and how they market to youth. It is mean and untrue to call smokers "weak willed" because of their addiction, as nicotine is as addictive as cocain or heroin, only its legal and a lot easier to get your hands on. with that said, i want to address what #45 has said, about how we will all die and smoking releives stress. 1st of all cigarrettes DO NOT relieve stress, all they relieve is your withdrawl symptomes. also, everyone will die yes, but i guess i would prefer reducing my chances of dieing early. so...ya. thats why i dont experiment with radioactive material, not because it will NESSISSAIRILY hurt or kill me. just trying to reduce chances. in conclusion, insulting smokers isnt how i beleive we will slow the #1 cause of preventable death in north america, but at the same time we should not try and ignore the severity of what smoking can do. (and im really sorry for my bad spelling, its awful i know)