Sit and stew

By Anonymous - 19/09/2019 00:02

Today, my dog and I got sprayed by a skunk. I have no tomato juice or baking soda, and the bus doesn't come for another 3 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 415
You deserved it 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sure the people on the bus are going to love you! (Skunk emoji) Ha! There's no skunk emoji! They've got a badger, and we don't need no stinking badgers!

Dish soap would help until you could get some. I said help, not be a miracle worker.


I'm sure the people on the bus are going to love you! (Skunk emoji) Ha! There's no skunk emoji! They've got a badger, and we don't need no stinking badgers!

You are really almost never funny but I did laugh at this one.

Dish soap would help until you could get some. I said help, not be a miracle worker.

Diluted vinegar. And it won’t stain your dog and make a huge mess. We all have our trucks. I have a husky. Not staining him red. Just be careful with face. Dish soap that.

Tomato juice doesn’t actually do anything but cover the stench with another stench. You need something that breaks the enzymes down. Things special made for removing cat pee are decent. I recommend natures promise (I think that’s what it’s called. It comes in red bottles).

A mixture of dish soap, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide, one to one, will get the smell out. A wildlife technician who did a skunk study taught me that.

sarahcroy20 12

I might be wrong but will they even let you on a bus smelling of skunk???