Sinking feeling

By Daligheri - 02/03/2021 11:01

Today, my girlfriend dumped me after we watched Titanic for the first time together. Why? Two reasons. Because I cried, and apparently men aren't allowed to be emotional, and because she asked me if I would save her or a boat of women and children first. Neither answer was correct. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 090
You deserved it 142

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like wanted to end the relationship and just searched for reasons. Either way, sounds like she made you dodge a bullet

Watching that movie sunk your relationship. Those two reasons are just the tip of the iceberg as to why she dumped you.


Watching that movie sunk your relationship. Those two reasons are just the tip of the iceberg as to why she dumped you.

this is the reason i hope the movie was watched in the first place

Sounds like wanted to end the relationship and just searched for reasons. Either way, sounds like she made you dodge a bullet

We need a button that says: Missed a bullet.

MotoRukus 10

Don't view it as a bad think. men are human, not robots. we have feelings too. but damn, that bit of wood was still big enough for two.

Your ex is a shallow, selfish, insecure ****, and you don't need that kinda toxicity in your life, OP. There's a lot better out there.

JosephFDawson 7

You could've just told her you'd take her to Murdoch's side since he let men on after Women and Children. Charles Lightoller who manned the other side misheard as women and children only and only let one man on becauself his rowing experience.

Ugh, I use to have a gf like that. When they start asking you questions but some/all of the options they've provided are traps, it's time to bail. That's not how friends treat each other.