On yer bike

By Anonymous - 20/10/2019 20:00

Today, I replaced the fog lights on my car and completely filled my gas tank. $50+ later, the transmission decided it wanted to go out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 470
You deserved it 98

Same thing different taste

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Wait, you only paid $50 for a full tank of gas AND new fog lights? And you're complaining why?... My 2006 car requires a headlight that costs $30 just for that... it costs another $30 to completely fill the tank. That's just how it is; pretty standard cost it seems, although I'm surprised a set of fog lights seems to cost less than one regular headlight.


first off, did not mean to do the smiley was aiming for the mortified face and bumped it by accident. second, transmissions die, which really sucks. I'd say look into what you could get for your car as either a trade in or at scrap value, since it's probably pretty old and get a new one (to you at least).

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

best not to buy at an auction next time

I learned a really long time ago (like 30 years long time ago) that you never fill the tank on a car without a warranty. If you do something is bound to break. Has happened to me every time. I always go 3/4 full and no more.

Sure, you weighed it down with all that gas and massive fog lights!

Car: I’m not good enough for you in the condition I’m in now. So be it. Fix my heart or buy a new car.

Wait, you only paid $50 for a full tank of gas AND new fog lights? And you're complaining why?... My 2006 car requires a headlight that costs $30 just for that... it costs another $30 to completely fill the tank. That's just how it is; pretty standard cost it seems, although I'm surprised a set of fog lights seems to cost less than one regular headlight.

well they spill also have a smaller car either way yours is still pretty cheap