Shoulda woulda coulda

By Anonymous - 20/06/2021 11:00

Today, I did the math: back at college in 2011, I had a $20,000+ reimbursement from my school. If I had invested even half my cash into Bitcoin then ($2.50), I would be worth over $120,000,000. Instead, I said, "Fuck that! This is stupid", and am now over $200,000 in student loan debt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 925
You deserved it 342

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's funny how it seems our greatest mistake in life was not buying bitcoin when it was low.

yeah I had the same though when it was .24 cents in 2010. Hindsight is a bitch but it doesn't mean anything if you want to get into it now. You can buy fractions of a coin on most platforms that still grow.


yeah I had the same though when it was .24 cents in 2010. Hindsight is a bitch but it doesn't mean anything if you want to get into it now. You can buy fractions of a coin on most platforms that still grow.

It's funny how it seems our greatest mistake in life was not buying bitcoin when it was low.

Hindsight is easy. We can always imagine the opportunities we missed had we known what the future held. But short of a “Way Back Machine” there is no practical way to take advantage of past opportunities. The question is what did you do with the monetary “windfall” you had? If you used it wisely such as paying down debts or investing it in something that would increase in value then it was still a good choice. If you spent it on things with no long term payback or future savings then it was an opportunity wasted. It is always a good time to learn from our past decisions and let that guide us with future decisions. But also remember that the future is rarely a simple projection of the past to today to tomorrow. Trends can and do change and things that increased extremely rapidly in value can sometimes just as suddenly devalue. All investment has a risk factor and a potential reward. Usually the greater the potential payback the greater the risk it could go bust.

but you also at the time made the smarter decision not going all in on something that was so small at the time with a lot of discrepancies of if it will come up how much or when

bobsanction 18

To be fair, at the time bitcoin was stupid.