Selective boner

By Anonymous - 11/05/2023 03:00

Today, my wife’s step-sister asked if she could join us in a three way. My wife actually said yes, but we’re both gym addicts so I like toned girls like my wife, so even though her sister is a lovely lady, I'm not going to be able to get a boner for someone 10 stone overweight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 546
You deserved it 1 209

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nikki 17

You came here to brag about being offered a threesome and about being fit.. you sound like you have a small penis

TampaLex 3

I’m sure they’re doing it to be with each other. so chill out you sound ugly


TampaLex 3

I’m sure they’re doing it to be with each other. so chill out you sound ugly

Nikki 17

You came here to brag about being offered a threesome and about being fit.. you sound like you have a small penis

10 stone is 140 pounds, which is REALLY specific. You're saying your gym addict toned wife's "lovely" sister is 140 POUNDS overweight?? This seems exaggerated, at best.

You can make her eat your ass, and for that her weight doesn't matter much. Since your wife cooked this up, get her to deal with the FUPA in the room.

spacebunz420 1

Richard pencil dick. that’s what that comment says to me 😂

So your wife fully dictates what you can or can't do in your sexlife, including bringing in other partners (since the step-sister asked and you either weren't allowed to say no/were too afraid to say no or didn't even get a say)? Sounds very unhealthy to me. Unless you're both allowed to bring in additional sexual partners for threesomes whenever you want to?

Nico97 3

time to examine lack of satisfaction. maybe she’s trying to validate cheating

I really hope your wife ditched you for her step-sister. At least they aren't shallow assholes.

A threesome? Hellloooo, Relationship Minefield.

You're what's wrong with society and why so many people - men and women - have body image issues. You sound like a shallow jerk. What if you were a gym addict and your wife wasn't, and she wasn't fit? Guess you'd wind up leaving her, huh.