Run faster

By Noname - 15/03/2009 19:32 - United States

Today, I went for a jog in my neighborhood. While I was running I passed my girlfriend's parents who were out for a walk. Trying to make a good impression, I stopped to talk. When I got home I realized I was wearing a shirt that friends gave me as a joke. It said "Blow me, bitch. It's my b-day." FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 164
You deserved it 79 243

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wearing that shirt in public is just *asking* for a FML to happen. That's a total "you deserve that one", dude. Nice.

Oh man... that's why I could never get myself to actually wear shirts like that, out of fear for situations like that happening to me


why would you wear that in public??

member0987654321 0

how could you not know what shirt your wearing? and why would you wear that jogging? you'd get like rapped

krazinluvv 0

why the F**** would you wear a shirt like that??????

ssuseawolves2011 0

id never wear a shirt like that.. anywhere..and im 19

greatnt249 0

#55, what the hell does your age have to do with it? At any rate, laugh at the FML for what it's worth...enough of the ethics brigade.

abouttofly 12

How exactly is the shirt humorous? It just sounds offensive to me.

Why would you even wear that shirt? It's certainly isn't humorous. And why in God's name would you wear it in public? You must have brain damage.

Jesus_Cookies 0

That's awesome. I want a shirt like that.

Dunne147 0

Just hope they didn't notice that you were wearing it. maybe you'll be lucky and they'll just forget about it, but you definitely deserved that one if they did notice though.