Run away time!

By CreepedOut - 09/03/2010 06:31 - United States

Today, I walked into a subway car which was empty except for this sleeping hobo. Three stops later, the guy wakes up and starts peeing in the corner. I ignore it thinking he'll go back to sleep. Silly me, I didn't realize that he would start running towards me, still peeing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 067
You deserved it 2 808

Same thing different taste


i would have freaked out when he ran at me

YDI for thinking hobos are predictable.

This is why you should never leave home without a sandwich! But seriously...that blows dude.

yourlifesfucked 0

thats ok! it wasnt really a hobo. it was r kelly in his favorite tattered jeans and oversize hoody. you got pissed on by a celebrity, dude! next week, you'll get kicked in the balls by chuck norris and then raped by MJ

I guess you missed the news, MJ is dead.

yourlifesfucked 0

zombies still have penises... right?

anti_average 5

I wouldn't know. You appear to be the celebrity expert here. Do celebrity zombies have penises? Have you investigated for yourself? You sicko! =

cam007_fml 0

I don't think zombies could get a stiffy but they probably still have a penis.

haha, WIN! what would we do without the hobos?;-P

hahahhahahaha omq I'll be scared haha

datkid117 13

You're in New York yo.... Shit like that happens sometimes. lol

ohmycece 0

I just laughed out loud on the bus, I would've screamed so loud and kick his balls. are you okay? if only I could find out what happened next. FYL