Right, Imma head out

By Angie - 09/09/2011 23:18 - France

Today, desperate after a very painful breakup, I poured my heart and soul out to my old teddy bear. When I finished, I asked what he would do in my situation. Right on cue, a gust of wind came through the window and sent him falling off the windowsill and crashing head-first onto the floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 405
You deserved it 6 887

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tigerbabe15 0

Aww poor teddy bear did he get hurt?


scruffy_janitor5 1
Epsilonyx 15

I would abstain from following suit.

bizarre_ftw 21

Don't be a copy cat!!! Learn to think your own thoughts instead of rephrasing!!!!!!!!

Mipz 2

Dude, he commented one minute after the other guy. It probably wasn't therw while he wad typing it. Therefore it isn't rephrasing, it's having the same thought. Chill.

redneckhoney91 0

Dang 53 be a bitch why don't you that comment probably wasn't there when he started typing it so get that stick out of your ass :)

bizarre_ftw 21

Meh, I didn't notice that.... odd coincidence

I feel your pain op, i too went through a recent painful breakup, it suck's.

BigManny94 0

Yes it does. Especially if it was one you loved.

poppylamonzo 0

What does OP stand for? Just a question(: and I'm sorry): I completely know how you feel

You could have googled it and got your answer in 4 seconds instead of asking it here and getting no answer in 4 years. It means Original Poster.

OP can mean something very different if you Google it.

2ndSucks 15

Don't follow his example. Your stuffing won't recover well.

rexgar2000 10

that is funny and freaky at the same time. fly

bizarre_ftw 21

^ can't tell if that's a typo, trolling, or just very clever. Either way I applaud