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By Anonymous - 11/02/2023 04:00 - Germany - Ingolstadt

Today, I pulled a prank on my friend by making a fake Tinder profile just to catfish him. All our friends came to make fun of him, only to realise that he'd stood me up. Turns out, never showing for first dates is his way of playing hard to get. Now everyone is laughing at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 121
You deserved it 1 744

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your dumb prank aside... your friend being a total jerk is how he plays hard to get? Has he ever actually had a second date?


Your dumb prank aside... your friend being a total jerk is how he plays hard to get? Has he ever actually had a second date?

He's playing the long game. The long for a second date game.

1: Dude, how old are you? Because this sort of BS got old in middle school. 2: Do any of you even *like* your friend or what? 3: Your friend also sucks for his “playing hard to get” routine being “waste somebody’s time and gas money” but somehow he comes out of this being the least sucky one, how the **** did he do that

Right?? This is pathetic on all accounts, yet the "friend" merges as the least so in this instance. One just can't make this stuff up.

Seriously, is this what dating has come to in this day and age? Catfishing and standing people up? What gentleman would even consider standing a girl up? And what 'friend' would consider playing with a friend's feelings like that? You are both terrible human beings.

I hope you get paid back in spades. I see a bright future of catfish and getting stood up.

you all sound like horrible ass people. are any of you older than 12? get off tinder