Quit while you're ahead

By noname - 20/03/2009 20:40 - United States

Today, I went on Facebook to find that my little brother had messed with my profile. He wrote on my status that I'm a piece of shit, I have no life, and several other nasty and perverted things. Underneath, it said 26 of my friends liked this. I'm new to Facebook. So far I have 26 friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 347
You deserved it 8 272

Same thing different taste

Top comments

change your password. and log out when you leave.

hahafylop 4

brodizzle your an ass maybe he/she just turned 13 ever think of that?


Who cares? It's facebook. It's meaningless.

How is this a FML situation..? Really? I would respond the same way to my friend's account getting hacked. It was an obvious hack... Why are you so offended? 0_o PS- @29 overreacting just a tad..?

Why would she have to log out if it's her PC, or even just her profile on the family PC? Change your PC password to something he'll never guess, problem solved.

degenerate_lover 0

I just see this as another fabricated FML that everyone, including myself apparently, had to throw their 2 cents into.

f_r_E_a_K 0

Agree with #2. Nothing against you...but all of your friends found it amusing (o:

sirfuzzitoes 0

You should give me your password, and I'll write good things about you that no one ever would. Seems you care a bit too much about what others think of you. Sucks you can't trust your family around your computer...I know I use autosave. Also, make sure to cut up your wrists, not across, cause you won't bleed out quickly enough. Get a new FML that's not lame.

this happens to EVERYONE!! don't worry about it

well, you can drop the friends. so it is not a big deal. I am on facebook. it is decent./

you shouldn't stay logged in... even if you're new, i'm sure you're not new to EVERY thing on the internet? you should've learned by now to log out of things...i'd hope.