Quit while you're ahead

By noname - 20/03/2009 20:40 - United States

Today, I went on Facebook to find that my little brother had messed with my profile. He wrote on my status that I'm a piece of shit, I have no life, and several other nasty and perverted things. Underneath, it said 26 of my friends liked this. I'm new to Facebook. So far I have 26 friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 347
You deserved it 8 272

Same thing different taste

Top comments

change your password. and log out when you leave.

hahafylop 4

brodizzle your an ass maybe he/she just turned 13 ever think of that?


cantth1nk0fnam3 3

good job dumbass. you're far too trusting. no person with common sense would leave themself logged in if they don't want people messing with their profile

Vinny66 0

aww its ok. ur friends probably thought it was a joke :)

tralalalala123 0

hahaaa that suckss but its not too badd.. especially if u dont have too many friends yett just delete the status and laugh it off

ktiskrazy 0

so you've bonded with 26 people, good for you.

Errrr, #18, I would assume that the OP's Facebook friends ARE friends in real life... who adds people they don't know to Facebook?

I made a fake facebook page for this person everyone hates at school, invited all his friends and than i posted gay photos on it and put in a gay message, everyone thinks he's gay now, so funny