Proofread your stuff

By Brittany - 01/03/2009 20:00 - United States

Today, I typed an essay on my friend's computer, so she forwarded it to me in a email and she made the subject "here bitch" as a joke. I then went to email the essay to my teacher. I forwarded it thinking nothing of it only to realize that I didn't change the subject name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 077
You deserved it 56 541

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you forward it in the first place? You risked having your teacher think that your friend wrote the essay instead.

vonstrangle 0

thinking the same thing as #9


katewasherexx 0

Hahahahaha. That made my day.

missbadluk 0

It's really sad that there are people this stupid alive and kicking.

Ohhh you poor thing!!! That's something I would accidently do..:(:( Hopefully shell find the humour in it... Good luck...!

piinchimelliee 5

Well next time be careful check your work before u email it.

Incognito23 15

Good luck recovering from that one.

Surely the subject rule would be 'FW: here bitch'.? Your teacher would have been able to see the email was forwarded.