By life101 - 19/10/2020 13:56

Today, I realized how emotional I get around my time of month when I cried because a cheese commercial was so "touching." FML
I agree, your life sucks 893
You deserved it 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well that's no gouda! Hope you feel cheddar!

What kind of frigid, soulless robot are you? I always get emotional at cheese commercials. How can you not feel shunned and excluded when someone tells you it's nacho cheese? Cheeeeese......mmmmm.


Well that's no gouda! Hope you feel cheddar!

James_Bond1962 2

😂😂😂😂 Brielieve me, I love cheese puns.

What kind of frigid, soulless robot are you? I always get emotional at cheese commercials. How can you not feel shunned and excluded when someone tells you it's nacho cheese? Cheeeeese......mmmmm.

finalyearsofhate 22

I feel this in my soul. Or Sarah McLachlan those ASPCA ones.

I know! Puppies, cheese. Puppies, cheese. Same thing, My dog loves cheese. Aw, now you got me going!