
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - San Francisco

Today, my grandma got piss drunk off two glasses of wine and kept telling me how I'm "so... ROUND!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 424
You deserved it 2 558

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've found that my Grandma also doesn't have a filter when talking.. and that's sober

How round is a shape and shapes are beautiful. Look on the bright side, youre a beautiful sun that shines on everyones world.


I've found that my Grandma also doesn't have a filter when talking.. and that's sober

Keep pouring her more.. it ought to stop her from talking.. for a bit.

amileah13 26

Maybe she meant proud and her words just kind of slurred?

How round is a shape and shapes are beautiful. Look on the bright side, youre a beautiful sun that shines on everyones world.

CODplayer4lyfe 24

Well shes more like a looming bulk that blocks out most of the sun actually ??

Two glasses of wine and she's already wasted? Either she hasnt had any alcohol before or she was faking being that drunk.

It's actually possible. Both my parents get drunk real fast due to medication. Grandma might have the same problem.

Ah yes, mixing meds and alcohol... Should have guessed. Apparently mixing meds and alcohol gets one real messed up, more than either one would alone.

very rarely do I drink (once every couple of years) and a sip of wine will have me buzzed so it's possible.

Yeah, I don't know what it is about wine,but it has amplified effects. that being said, I had an entire bottle last night and will be resting today. :D

They said, "get in shape." However they did not say which shape.

I say that about myself lol. When the stupid kids at my school say "SQUARE UP" I just respond by saying: "I can't, I'm round." You're beautiful OP. Don't forget.

fpants2010 18

My grandma says mean things all the time when she's SOBER! On Christmas she said "you're getting fat, I see the rolls hanging over your pants!" Well - I just had my second baby five weeks ago, sorry I'm not top shape yet.

That's so rude of her, ugh. Congratulations on your baby, though!