Out of pocket

By Manigirl - 03/04/2022 22:00

Today, I did a girl’s gel manicure at the nail salon I work at. When I went to give her the bill, she said, “Oh my god, it’s Jackie Chan! Hi!” and pointed behind me. Instinctively, I turned around, for her to shout “Syke!” and took off running. She didn’t pay for her manicure. It was $73. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 574
You deserved it 259

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do you have CCTV? Get her photo and pass it to all nails saloon + hair dresser around your business. And call the cops


But at least you got to meet Jackie Chan! Couldn't he just run down the girl and give her a roundhouse kick and make her pay her debt? Chuck Norris does that a few times a day.

Do you have CCTV? Get her photo and pass it to all nails saloon + hair dresser around your business. And call the cops